Does Riboflavin (B2) Work For Migraines?

Migraine Insight
1 min readJul 22, 2019

Riboflavin, or Vitamin B2, has been a popular migraine treatment over the past couple of years. But does it actually work? And if so, how should you take it?

Does Riboflavin (B2) actually work?
  • A study in 2016 compared B2 to a placebo with 55 migraine patients and found migraine patients who took riboflavin had a “significant” decrease in frequency and severity of attacks
  • In a different study, B2 was shown in to potentially be as effective as prescription medication in treating migraines — and to cause fewer side effects
  • A third study showed beneficial results in migraine patients who took 400mg of B2 over one month

To be most effective, migraine patients should start at 400mg per day to see how they tolerate the dosage. B2 has few side effects, but you may notice your urine turns bright yellow (don’t be alarmed — this is your body secreting the extra B vitamin). According to these studies, increasing the dosage after a month may be beneficial, but check with your doctor first.


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